2025 Prorated Annual Dues

Date: Friday, February 28, 2025
Time: 12:00am - 11:45pm
Speaker: N/A

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Attached is your 2025 prorated dues notice for the Milwaukee Estate Planning Forum.  The prorated dues for 2025  are $175 and payable by 02/28/2025.    If you are paying annual dues and do not remit your payment by 02/28/2025, your dues will be increased to $200.    

Members who are age 65 or older as of 12/31/2024 are designated as Emeritus members per our By-Laws.  Emeritus members are not required to pay annual dues.  Instead, Emeritus members may pay $60 per meeting attended, or they may pay the prorated 2025 dues of $175, rather than $60 per meeting, if they prefer.

Dues can now be remitted via credit card .  To pay by credit card: Click on the RSVP for this event.  Complete the Event RSVP information boxes and answer any questions.  Choose one of the following:

  • Regular Member $175
  • Emerging Professionals $100
  • Emeritus Member paying in full $175
  • Emeritus Member paying each meeting

Click on appropriate payment method.  To pay by credit card Click on "Pay by Credit Card or PayPal".  It will then provide a confirmation receipt.  You must continue and click on the PayPal icon which will direct you to the site to pay either through a PayPal account or by directly entering in your credit card account information. If you renew through PayPal, you do not need to mail or email Mandy Nowaczynski  the annual dues information form. 

You can still remit your dues via check.  

Please remit your check (payable to Milwaukee Estate Planning Forum, Inc.) to Rebecca Wittak at the address indicated on the dues notice on or before 02/28/2025 along with a copy of the annual dues notice.    If you are paying annual dues by check and do not remit your payment by 02/28/2025, your dues will be increased to $200.

Please take a moment to review the Fee Policy in effect for 2025.  The Fee Policy is explained in detail on the second page of the dues notice.

Please contact Rebecca Wittak, Treasurer, at (414) 978-2064 or rebeccaw@scco-cpas.com or any other Board member with any questions.

Thank you for your participation in the Forum.

We look forward to another great year!

Rebecca L. Wittak, CPA,

Milwaukee Estate Planning Forum, Treasurer 

Scribner, Cohen and Company, S.C. | CPAs and Advisors

756 North Milwaukee Street, Suite 300, Milwaukee, WI 53202 | P 414.271.1700 | Direct Dial 414.978.2064 | 

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